Просмотр: Криптовалюта

Of course, most likely, it will not be possible to completely avoid mass multi -storey construction, but it will not…

It is possible that in the guise of the “second capital” many will notice the features of the Kurkino microdistrict,…

Vice-mayor Resin, at the press conference organized on the eve of the press conference, spoke about how systematically the second…

In addition, the move of administrative institutions is also associated with a number of difficulties: for the transportation of documentation,…

In previously not mastered territories, you will have to create a “metropolitan” infrastructure, not to mention the formation of a…

“Second Moscow” will replenish the lists of “long -term construction” despite the fact that in words the project of expanding…

According to the bank, over the past six months, the bank has already issued loans in the amount of one…

Talking about plans to increase the mortgage by the end of this year, Pechatnikov said that, according to the existing…

It is planned that depositors will have the opportunity to receive a mortgage one point below than the rest of…

Member of the VTB 24 Office said that by September the bank is going to launch a program of cumulative…