Просмотр: Криптовалюта

Cast iron heating radiators are still considered the most popular in the entire post-Soviet space.

And if you are engaged in the prevention of such pumps in time (the winding and timely work of the…

Modern types of floor boilers are equipped with circulation pumps with magnetic couplings, which are valuable that they can pump…

Of course, both options imply high financial costs.

To do this, it will be possible to use either distilled water (the most expensive option), or buy a reverse…

After a certain period of time, as a rule, no more than 30-40 minutes, the solution merges and a new.

Here you will have to pay attention to those compounds that can dissolve and remove the scale.

This will allow you to clean the boiler from the accumulated soot much faster.

For this, either an emergency knife or ordinary brush is used, which has a metal bristle.

The walls of the boiler and a heat exchanger, made either from stainless steel or cast iron, are traditionally released…