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He determines the possibilities of redevelopment, selects the style of furniture and decor elements.

Distorting information, trying to look in the best light, you run the risk of getting an apartment in which you…

And here you need to be extremely frank with the designer: to report on financial restrictions, specific wishes regarding the…

The work of the designer The work of the designer involves several stages, not one of which should be missed.

The list of responsibilities of the selected company also depends on this: either exclusively the development of sketches, technical projects…

As a rule, a whole company is engaged in design, where one or more people create a design project itself,…

What responsibility should be laid on the shoulders of the designer and what to demand from him?

Hiring a qualified specialist, you deliberately trust him with the most expensive and valuable for you — the design of…

After all, a private house requires constant care and maintenance of order.