Просмотр: Криптовалюта

All combinations and concretization of the results are aimed at general well -being and health.

EIA projects are based in their conclusions and calculations on legislative documents: “On Environmental Protection”, “On Ecological Expertise” and others,…

The EIA project allows you to minimize the number of future emissions into the environment, optimize the work plan itself…

Caring for the environmental consequences inflicted by the environment is the first stage of planning of the activities of any…

The project to assess the environmental impacts requires a thorough analysis and development at the stages of planning the construction…

Studies are recorded in regulatory documents on the impact on the environment (EIA) and a decision is made on the…

— The coefficient of factors playing the role is summarized and the conclusion is put forward about the degree of…

— A plan for optimizing future production is being developed, aimed at minimizing environmental damage, waste elimination system, building concepts…

— Specific accounting of the causes and environmental pollution are carried out.