Просмотр: Криптовалюта

Cards, in turn, is a small racing car, which consists of a frame, engine and seat.

Probably, many have their own idea of ​​the picture, but still, they are interested in — what is it?

Coating waterproofing — designed to protect structures from lifting capillary moisture.

Special liquid waterproofing materials with a penetrating effect are applied to the structure, fill all pores in concrete and harden…

Penetrating waterproofing — provides waterproofness of concrete structures.

Antifiltration waterproofing — designed to protect the underground parts of the structure from water.

Depending on the types of buildings, their purpose and materials from which they are built, different types of waterproofing are…

The waterproofing of the walls of the building is measures aimed at protecting the enclosing structures from moisture exposure.

In buildings with a basement, waterproofing of the floor and vertical walls from the effects of capillary moisture is mandatory.