Просмотр: Криптовалюта
For a long time, the housing issue has worried a person.
It is very popular with owners of cottages and small country houses.
In addition, the type of soil, groundwater level on the site and its size should be taken into account.
The decisive selection criteria are the number of residents of the cottage and the peak volume of one -time wastewater…
The lineup of the autonomous sewers of the Topas family is quite wide, so the consumer has the opportunity to…
At the same time, the energy of heating is not spent, since the heat in sufficient quantities produces the microorganisms…
It is he who intensely consumed by aerobic bacteria that process sewage.
Autonomous sewage system is intended primarily for installation in estates, to which the central sewer is not brought.
It is important that the developers have provided protection against noise and unpleasant odors, and the device itself, installed in…
The treatment mechanism has compact dimensions and can be placed in soil of any type, the design provides for the…