Просмотр: Криптовалюта
At the same time, for residents of such an apartment, it is very important that the assessment of the cost…
It is not rare to find the option when communal apartments are redeemed by large Moscow real estate agencies, and…
But it is almost impossible to arrange such a deal through a classic exchange, since even in Moscow it is…
Very often, the exchange agreement is used when the municipal apartments are resettled, when one owner is entirely purchased by…
The most typical situations when an apartment exchange is required, this desire to move from a small apartment to the…
Such a mutual gift transaction is easy to challenge in court, so realtors strongly do not recommend using this method…
The third option is used quite rarely and consists in replacing the exchange agreement with a gift agreement.
It is almost impossible to calculate such a cost independently, so it is better to rely on a qualified assessment…
The issue of determining the amount of surcharge is fundamental.
Sometimes such an exchange leads to very difficult chains, and the process can significantly drag on in time.