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It is interesting that planning allows even the most terrible relief of the site to turn into a unique garden…

This will not take much time, but it will save it in the future in construction.

When planning, do not forget to take into account all the buildings, including summer kitchen, gazebo or fence.

When preparing the plan, try to place the future house in the shadow side, and the garden plot is opposite…

In order to know where it is better to plant plants, you can measure the level.

If the place of future construction is on a hill, then it is worth preparing for a strong wind.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to remember that the amount of moisture in such areas is much higher.

If a dense forest grew on it, then this will result in additional work on the shortfall.

Do not forget about the special characteristic features inherent in each individual area, for example, it is located on a…

Each plan should show all important objects located in the territory or near it.