Просмотр: Криптовалюта

Now, we recall, these benefits apply to veterans of the Second World War.

The middle part of the district is almost entirely busy with fields and gardens, interspersed with extensive wastelands.

On the high shore, among the old grove stands the Khoroshevskaya church monument of architecture XVII in.

In the West there are estates and fields of the Voroshilov collective farm, in the south along the high coast…

The territory of the new development has in plan a form, somewhat elongated from west to east (size from the…

It should be noted that in this part of Moscow there are no large industrial enterprises, in some cases negatively…

In general, the territory of Khoroshevo-Mnevniki according to its natural data seems extremely convenient for creating a well-maintained housing estate…

The area is located on the high bank of the river and is well ventilated.