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This hotel often rented rooms by writers known throughout the world, for example, Edgar Burrose, Miller and a number of…

vlasne. UA is one of the most popular real estate portals of Ukraine.

Fortunately, now in any country in the world you can find for yourself a cozy room at the hotel or…

This hotel is also known that in it in the 80s, the famous film actor John Bulushi died from a…

The indisputable leader in the number of hotels in which celebrities stopped is Los Angeles (Los Angeles) and of course…

Often, celebrities simply rent apartments for rent through dummies so that the ubiquitous paparazzi could not find out where the…

Some celebrities travel exclusively on their own buses equipped with the latest technology and representing a full -fledged mansion on…

Almost every edition, conducts a section of real estate transactions — famous actors, musicians, fashion designers …

For example, the house of the deceased idol will cost much more than the House of Celebrities of our time,…