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So, when the brick partitions are being built, respectively, the walls and other main partitions should be built from the…

Even with preliminary design of buildings, one should thoroughly approach the choice of materials.

Any of the modern building materials has its disadvantages and advantages, which should always be provided for by masters when…

Want to change a chandelier at home and looking for a good store?

New building materials successfully compete with already known in the construction market.

Today, construction technologies are rapidly and constantly developing.

On this we have everything. We remind you that this article expresses only our personal opinion, which, we hope, will…

It is distinguished among the rest by the presence of sections devoted to information construction articles and regulatory documents.

Stroyfirm. When copying, remove the gaps) — still useful, albeit a slightly outdated construction portal, mainly illuminating the topic of…

Our assessment: we strongly recommend adding to the bookmarks and regularly attend, at least for the purpose of self -education.