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In addition, the aluminum rule is useful in the work, it is better if its length does not exceed a…

For the preparation of a plaster solution, it will be more convenient to take a metal bucket or pelvis, also…

In situations where tiles were previously glued on the wall, traces of old glue, as well as old plaster, can…

Thanks to significant progress in the construction and final region, at present, plaster work has become able to do each…

Stucked walls. To eliminate various defects and cracks between concrete slabs, plaster is widely used.

kV more. It should be noted that the dry method of leveling walls and ceiling, which also needs to be…

Simple arithmetic: with a minimum layer (1 cm) plaster, room space in 20 square meters.

When using the dry alignment method, water will undoubtedly ruin the appearance of the room.

Moreover, even if a certain amount of water has already managed to absorb into the surface, then the plaster will…

In such conditions, a very important point is the water resistance of the plaster.